Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CANSI16The ANSI16 class
 CANSI256The ANSI256 class
 CCMYKThe CMYK class
 CCSSThe CSS class
 CGRAYThe GRAY class
 CHCGThe HCG class
 CHSLThe HSL class
 CHSVThe HSV class
 CHWBThe HWB class
 CLABThe LAB class
 CLCHThe LCH class
 CRGBThe RGB class
 CXYZThe XYZ class
 CPromiseCanceledException which will be used as error for rejection through rili::CancelablePromise::cancel or rili::CancelablePromise<void>::cancel
 CComputeDefault ComputeBase service implementation
 CComputeBaseThe rili::service::ComputeBase class provide interface to schedule asynchronous long runing task in another thread to not block current
 CConsoleSimple implementation of Console service
 CConsoleBaseInterface for all Console service implementations
 CSocketDefault, singleton implementation of SocketBase
 CSocketBaseAbstract interface for service implementations which provide simple TCP/IP networking API
 CAcceptorAbstract interface for incomming TCP/IP connections acceptor (used in servers)
 CErrorUsed when acceptor have internal failure
 CConnectionStream oriented abstract base interface for duplex TCP/IP connection implementations
 CModeGuardThe ModeGuard is RAII style class which set given Mode on given Connection in it's lifetime scope
 CReadableWouldBlockError type which should be used in non-blocking connection mode when read operation fail, but if connection was in blocking mode read oparation would block instead
 CWritableWouldBlockError type which should be used in non-blocking connection mode when write operation fail, but if connection was in blocking mode write oparation would block instead
 CCreateAcceptorBindErrorError type which should be used in case when during creating Acceptor is problem with socket association after correctly resolved dns address
 CCreateAcceptorResolveErrorError type which should be used in case when dns resolver cannot resolve address during creating Acceptor
 CCreateConnectionConnectErrorError type which should be used in case when during creating Connection is problem with socket association after correctly resolved dns address
 CCreateConnectionResolveErrorError type which should be used in case when dns resolver cannot resolve address during creating Connection
 CTimeDefault TimeBase service implementation
 CTimeBaseInterface class for Time service which give ability to create promises which will be resolved after some time
 CEndOfDataBase stream error indicating end of data(writable or readable)
 CErrorBase stream error
 COutOfRangeSteam errorr indicating value reading error because of too small range of provided variable
 CReadableEndStream error indication end of readable steam
 CUnexpectedDataStream error indicating unexpected data in stream
 CWritableEndStream error indication end of writable steam
 CReadableWrapper which use std::istream as source of unformated data
 CReadableStreambufWrapper of std::streambuf which as unformted data source use Readable
 CWritableWrapper which use std::ostream as sink for unformated data
 CWritableStreambufWrapper of std::streambuf which as unformted data sink use Writable
 CBaseInterface for stream already avaliable data view
 CDefaultProvide basic view implementation
 CBufferingFifoDuplexSpecialization of Duplex which use single buffer both for read and write operations. Data is inserted at the end of buffer and retrieved from beginning of buffer
 CBufferingReadableInterface specialization of Readable which use buffer view (view::Default)
 CBufferingWritableInterface specialization of Writable which use buffer view (view::Default)
 CDuplexRepresent abstraction for both readable and writable stream
 COperationResultUsed to indicate status of stream operation
 CReadableRepresent abstraction for readable stream sequence
 CReadableCustomIteratorThe ReadableCustomIterator class give similar functionality like std::istream_iterator but work with rili Readable streams instead std::istream and utilize custom Reader for given type
 CReadableFileRAII stream which is able to read data sequentially from file
 CReadableFileProxyUse open writable FILE* to read data but not manage it lifetime
 CReadableIteratorThe ReadableIterator class give similar functionality like std::istream_iterator but work with rili Readable streams instead std::istream and utilize default Readable stream serializer for given type
 CWritableRepresent abstraction for writable stream sequence
 CWritableCustomIteratorThe WritableCustomIterator class give similar functionality like std::ostream_iterator but work with rili Writable streams instead std::ostream and utilize custom Writer for given type
 CWritableFileCreate stream which can be used to write data to given file
 CWritableFileProxyUse open writable FILE* to flush data but not manage it lifetime
 CWritableIteratorThe WritableIterator class give similar functionality like std::ostream_iterator but work with rili Writable streams instead std::ostream and utilize default Writable stream serializer for given type
 CBasicFormaterDefault formater, which log test results similarly like gtest
 CFormaterInterface which can be used to indicate about exents, which occure during tests exacution
 CTestBaseFixtureBase class for test fixture used directly by TEST macro and indirect by TEST_F because TestBaseFixture must be base class for use provided fixture
 CTestStorageThe TestStorage is used to store registered tests
 CCancelablePromiseThe rili::CancelablePromise class provide unified API for asynchronous operations, which follow in most cases A+ Promises requirements
 CCancelablePromise< void >The rili::CancelablePromise class provide unified API for asynchronous operations, which follow in most cases A+ Promises requirements
 CColorBase for all color models
 CComplexExceptionUsed to store more than one exceptions which caused final error occurance. Useful to trace reason of complex operation failure
 CContextUsed as scheduler for tasks execution on single thread
 CJSONThe Value class is abstraction over JSON tree node
 CSyntaxErrorUsed to communicate about invalid JSON synthax
 CPromiseThe rili::Promise class provide unified API for asynchronous operations, which follow in most cases A+ Promises requirements
 CPromise< void >The rili::Promise class provide unified API for asynchronous operations, which follow in most cases A+ Promises requirements
 CSiblingVariantSiblingVariant is data structure which can be used like union of given Base type derived types
 CStateMachineThe StateMachine class is basic implementation of object oriented, polimorphic Finite State Machine. It is quiet similar to State design pattern
 CTaskGuardUsed as RAII wrapper around rili::Context::reserve() and rili::Context::release() methods
 CTypeIdCan be used as very lightweight replacement for RTTI
 CVariantVariant is data structure which can be used like union but allow to store non-POD types
 CXMLRepresent generic XML node
 CDocumentTypeUsed to store document - it do not have own markup - it's just root element for all other elements in XML document
 CSyntaxErrorUsed to communicate about invalid XML synthax
 CTreeTypeUsed to store tree type nodes