
API reference

Usage example

#include <rili/service/Socket.hpp>
#include <rili/Stream.hpp>
#include <string>

void createServerConnectToItAcceptConnectionSendAndReceiveSomeData(){
  auto& socket = rili::service::Socket::instance();
  auto acceptor = socket.createAcceptor("", 12345); // here we create "server"
  auto connection1 = socket.createConnection("", 12345); // here we create "client connection" to previousely created server
  auto connection2 = acceptor->accept(); // here we accept incoming connection and create "server side" "connection" endpoint

  *connection1 << "something " << rili::stream::flush; // sending from "client" some data to "server"
  *connection2 << "else " << rili::stream::flush; // sending from "server" some data to "client"

  std::string resp1;
  std::string resp2;

  *connection1 >> resp1; // here we receive some data on "client" from "server"
  *connection2 >> resp2; // here we receive some data on "server" from "client"

  rili::stream::cout() << "Server received: " << resp2 << rili::stream::endl; // should receive "someething"
  rili::stream::cout() << "Client received: " << resp1 << rili::stream::endl; // should receive "else"
} // here acceptor, connection1 and connection2 are destroyed releaseing all resources including closing underlying sockets

Error handling and advenced usage of socket API are missing in this example to keep things as simple as possible